Wired remote (RM.X83RFjnCl~commande B fil (RM-X83RFj
88.3 MHZ
t Press the AMS/ENlER dial for two
seconds until frequency appears.
2 Rotate the AMyENTER dial repeatedly to
select the frequency.
Each hme you rtltalc the A?vE/fNTER di~~l.
the frqucncie chmge .li f0llovs:
Kight :n8.3 MHz -a X8 5 Ml*- 88.7 Ml LL
-+88.9MllZ--r x9., M1fz-
89.3 MHr --. 89.5 MHz --. R9.7 MHr
-.. R9.9 MHz -+ 88.3 MHz
Lef, :88.3 MHL -+ 89.9 MHz --. 89.7 MHz
-4 89.5 MHZ --. xx? MI11 --+
Changing the output level
You can s&ct the output level from the unit.
Nurmnlly the ur$t is used dt the initial output
level; change the level if n-w.
1 Press the AMSfENTER dial for two
seco”ds until freqwwy .ppeen.
2 Press the AMUENTER dial momentarily.
3 Rot&e the A&OS/ENTER dial repeetedly to
select the output level.
To decreare the output level
c i
Changement de la frequence de
Pourdiminuer le niveau de sortie