
Channel strips, 155
FX Send (Assignable Effects) channel strips, 175
Input bus channel strips, 169
inverting track’s phase, 159
monitoring bus levels, 166
monitoring output levels, 177
muting or soloing a bus, 167
muting or soloing a track, 159
muting/soloing an assignable effects chain, 177
Routing surround through, 237
toolbar, 151
View pane, 153
window, 151
Mixing to a single track, 129
Monitor for video editing, 234
Monitoring external sources, 175
Events, 37
Tracks, 40
Moving a section label, 68
Moving rendering templates, 49
Moving sections, 67
Multichannel MIDI files, 187
Multipurpose slider, 41
Multistream MIDI files, 187
Mute automation, 137
Editing volume automation, 42
Tracks, 42
Note durations, 198
Note velocity, 198
Offsetting tracks, 298
Clips, 34
Selecting in the Chopper, 100
Online help, 15
Media files, 31
Projects, 30
Other preferences tab, 263
Overview of ACID, 16
Painting events, 35, 36
Palettes, 73
Assigning buttons, 74
Clearing buttons, 74
Creating, 73
Panic button, 222
Adjusting for input bus, 171
Automation, 138
Pan types, 113, 241
Surround, 239
Tracks, 41, 112–146
Panning, audio
Envelope, 142
Events, 55
In ripple mode, 63
Tracks, 41
Patch maps, 223
Piano roll editor, 196, 213
Adding note events, 214
Continuous controller information, 215
Deleting note events, 216
Editing note events, 214
Previewing MIDI, 213
Quantizing note events, 216
Selecting note events, 215
Snap to scale, 216
Undoing and redoing, 216
Pitch shifting
Clips, 93
Events, 64, 93
Projects, 91
Playing projects, 45
Bypassing audio effects during playback, 46
Playing from the cursor position, 45
Playing the entire project, 45
Using playback options, 45
Using the transport bar, 45
Plug-In Manager
Using ReWire devices, 135
Using soft synths, 136
Plug-In Manager window, 24
Plug-Ins, See Effects
Post-roll, 183
Audio, 255
Audio device, 257
Display, 263
Editing, 261
Envelope colors, 263
External Control & Automation tab, 265
General, 254
MIDI, 260
Other, 263
Sync, 262
Track colors, 263
Pre-roll, 184
Previewing clips, 103
Previewing media
Chopper window, 95
Explorer window, 30
Processing MIDI, 198
Program change keyframes, 210
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