SEND DIAGNOSTIC 6.Command Specification
SONY AIT-3Ex drive SDX-800V series Ver.1.1 6-99
Table 6-95: Diagnostic Test information
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Diagnostic Test Number
1 Break Loop Count Identifier
2 Parameter A
3 Parameter B
4 Parameter C
Diagnostic Test Number: Number identifying which test to execute
Break: Indicates how to terminate the loop count should an error occur.
0 = stop on first error
1 = do not stop on error
Loop Count Identifier: The number of times that the test should be repeated before status is returned.
1 = run once
1 = run once
2 = run 10 times
3 = run 100 times
4 = run 1000 times
Parameters A, B, C: Any additional parameters required to fully define the diagnostic test.
If the test completes successfully, the drive returns GOOD status. If the test failed, CHECK CONDITION status is
returned with a HARDWARE ERROR Sense Key and an Additional Sense Code of DIAGNOSTIC FAILURE set. The
Host should then send a REQUEST DIAGNOSTIC command which will return information as to which test failed
and the nature of the failure. If the test requested is not defined, not available to the requested processor, or not
executable in the current configuration, this information will be reported in the data returned by the REQUEST
Refer to clause 7, Drive Diagnostics for more detailed information about the supported diagnostic tests and test