1-2 Optional Accessories / 1-3 Using the CD-ROM Manual
Chapter 1 Overview
1-2 Optional Accessories
The following accessories can be used with this unit.
HKSR-5001 Format Converter Board
This allows format conversion described below:
• 2-3 pulldown (23.98PsF to 59.94i, 24PsF to 60i)
• Conversion between 1080 and 720P
• 4:2:2 between 4:4:4
(Conversion of 4:4:4 to 4:2:2 is possible only when the
HKSR-5003 is additionally installed.)
HKSR-5002 Digital Betacam Processor Board
This allows you to play back Digital Betacam tapes and
output SD and HD signals.
When the system is operated in 4:4:4 mode, up conversion
of the output to HD signals are possible as follows,
depending on the system setting.
1080: Up conversion to 1080.
720: Up conversion to 720P.
When the system is operated in 4:4:4 mode, no up-
converted HD output can be obtained.
HKSR-5003 RGB Processor Board
This allows you to accept dual link HD SDI input, and
record and play back RGB (4:4:4).
HKDV-900 HD Digital Video Controller
This allows you to remotely control the parameters for
video signals and image enhancement.
In addition to this Operation Manual, the following
manuals are available:
Maintenance Manual Volume 1 (optional)
Provides detailed information necessary to maintain the
Maintenance Manual Volume 2 (optional)
Provides information on spare parts.
Maintenance Manual Volume 3 (optional)
Contains circuit diagrams and block diagrams.
Installation Manual (supplied)
Provides necessary information to install and operate the
For information about changing the video system, refer to
“1-11. System Setting” in the Installation Manual.
9-pin Protcol Manual (optional)
Provides information on the 9-pin protocol.
1-3 Using the CD-ROM
The supplied CD-ROM includes operation manuals for
this unit (English, Japanese, French and German versions).
1-3-1 CD-ROM System
The following are required to access the supplied CD-
ROM disc.
• Computer: PC with Intel Pentium CPU.
- Installed memory: 64 MB or more
-CD-ROM drive: × 8 or faster
• Monitor: Monitor supporting resolution of 800 × 600
dots or higher
• Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional
or Windows XP Home Edition
When these requirements are not met, access to the CD-
ROM disc may be slow, or not possible at all.
1-3-2 Preparations
The one of following software must be installed on your
computer in order to use the operation manuals contained
in the CD-ROM disc.
• Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher
• Adobe Reader Version 6.0 or higher
If Adobe Reader is not installed, it may be downloaded
from the following URL:
1-3-3 To Read the CD-ROM Manual
To read the operation manual contained in the CD-ROM
disc, do the following.
Insert the CD-ROM disc in your CD-ROM drive.
A cover page appears automatically in your browser.
If it does not appear automatically in the browser,
double click the index.htm file on the CD-ROM disc.
Select and click the operation manual that you want to
This opens the PDF file of the operation manual.