VAIO User Guide Back | Back to Top
How to Use
Windows 8: The Basics
Parts Description
Network / Internet
Backup / Recovery
Other Operations
Deleting the Dedicated Partition for Rapid Wake
during Recovery (Before Using the Drive
Encryption Feature)
With the default Sleep mode settings, the computer’s state is saved to the dedicated partition
when your VAIO computer enters Sleep mode.
You, however, cannot encrypt this partition with Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption or other
drive encryption features.
If you use the drive encryption feature, it is strongly recommended that you first recover the
computer with the settings which will not create the dedicated partition in order to avoid
leaving unencrypted data.
1. Press the ASSIST button while your VAIO computer is off.
The VAIO Care Rescue Mode screen appears.
2. Select Recover or maintain your system.
Follow the on-screen instructions until the Choose an option screen appears.
3. Select Troubleshoot and Recovery and maintenance.
Follow the on-screen instructions until the VAIO Care (Rescue Mode) : Recover
or maintain your system screen appears.
4. Select Tools and Start advanced recovery wizard.
Follow the on-screen instructions until a screen to select recovery type appears.
5. Select any option except for Custom recovery - C: drive only.
6. Clear the Create a dedicated partition to enable Rapid Wake check box or
the Use space on the SSD to enable Rapid Wake check box in the
Additional options screen and select Next.
With this setting, the dedicated partition is not created during the recovery.
7. Follow the on-screen instructions.
8. After the recovery is complete, restart your VAIO computer.
9. Make sure that Rapid Wake is disabled on VAIO Control Center. [Details]
If not, the recovery may not be complete properly. Try again starting from step 1.
10. Enable the drive encryption feature.
Recovering your VAIO computer deletes all data on your built-in storage device.
Related Topic
Notes on Sleep Mode
Creating Other Drives (Modifying Partitions)
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