
Customising your computer
Changing or removing software
You can remove or change a software application any time you like. Before proceeding, close the application you want to change/
To change or remove software, proceed as follows:
1 From the Start menu, click Control Panel.
The Control Panel window appears.
2 Click the Add or Remove Programs icon.
The Add or Remove Programs dialog box appears.
3 Select the software you want to change or remove.
To change a program, click Change/Remove or Change and follow the on-screen instructions.
To uninstall a program, click Change/Remove or Remove, then click Next followed by OK.
If the Locked file detected dialog box appears, click Reboot. The computer restarts once uninstallation is completed and all
previously used files are deleted.
If the Shared file detected dialog box appears, it is recommended that you click No to keep shared files.
Click Close.
The software is uninstalled.
When you click Change or Remove, some programs may be removed without any further warning. Make sure you are certain you want to remove it beforehand.
You can sort programs by selecting different options in Sort by.
Add or Remove Programs will only remove programs that were written for Windows operating systems. For other programs, check the documentation to see if
other files (such as .ini files) should be removed.