For Machines Mfg. Since 8/09
Model SB1029
— If the pinions or leadscrew show a buildup
of contaminants, clean them with mineral
spirits and re-oil.
— If the pinions or leadscrew are dry, verify
that the pump screen is clean, and adjust
the oil distribution screw to increase
4. At the rear of the column, slide the column
dust shield upward and inspect the upper
leadscrew (see Figure 46).
Figure 46. Upper leadscrew inspection.
— If the leadscrew has a buildup of
contaminants, clean it with mineral
spirits and re-oil.
— If the leadscrew is dry, verify that the
pump screen is clean, and adjust the oil
distribution screw to increase lubrication.
5. Using a rust preventative oil, wipe down all
bare metal surfaces.
6. Using any quality automotive paint cleaner
and wax, clean and wax all painted surfaces.
Changing Oil &
Adjusting Oil Flow
This machine is equipped with a pressurized
constant-flow oiling system where the oil returns
back to the reservoir through oil galley drillings
in the machine castings. Once oil is returned
back to the reservoir, the oil is then filtered
through a mesh screen and pumped back into the
In heavy industrial or dirty environments,
change this oil more frequently. To avoid oil
breakdown, DO NOT MIX OILS! If changing oil
types, be sure to flush the system with the new
oil and discard the flushed oil.
Recommended Oils:
s Mobil Vacuoline 1405
s Mobil Vacuoline 1409
s Shell Tonna 33
s Shell Tonna 27
s BP Energol HP 20-C
To change the oil and adjust the flow rate:
2. Remove the panel from the rear of the
3. Using a standard screwdriver, turn number
#1, #2 and #3 needle valves (see Figure 47)
clockwise to the closed position. DO NOT
Figure 47. Oil pump and reservoir.
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