Elliptical T
The console LCD screen will display your current heart rate anytime a
pulse is detected. The Bar Graph, located to the right of the LCD screen,
will show your current heart rate % in relation to your projected maximum
heart rate, which is determined by your age that you entered during the
programming phase of any of the 10 programs. The signicance of the bar
graph colors are as follows:
• 50-60% of maximum is Amber
• 65-80% of maximum is Amber and Green
• 85-90% or more is Amber, Green, and Red
There is an anatomical gure located at the top of the console. This gure will light all areas that
are activated when using the ellipticall. These will light up during any of the programs. You can
control which muscles are activated by changing the incline and swinging your arms. The pre-set
programs will determine which lower body muscles will be activated by automatically adjusting
the incline. Generally the
following guidelines hold true:
• The upper body LED’s will light any time your hands aren’t in contact with
the pulse grip sensors
• The lower body lights will activate in three degrees of engagement: Green
represents minimal muscle involvement, Amber represents medium
involvement, and Red represents full or heavy activation.
0-4.5% Elevation: even muscle distribution, all four
muscle groups will be Amber
5-15% Elevation: Quads are Amber and Glutes, Hamstrings,
and Calves are Red