➥creatIng the tIme deLay overrIde code
The TDO code is located in position 9. It is programmed as follows.
7 4 ✽ master code or supervisor code #
9 (position number) #
new TDO code #
new TDO code #
➥changIng the tIme deLay overrIde code
An existing TDO code can only be changed by the holder of that code,
as follows.
2 2 ✽ OLD TDO CODE #
➥deLetIng the tIme deLay overrIde code
The TDO code is deleted as follows.
7 4 ✽ master code or supervisor code #
9 (position number) #
management/empLoyee access mode
➥types of management/empLoyee access
Management/employee access is an alternate way to operate this lock,
to meet special security needs. Your lock can be programmed so that
during everyday operation, the master code holder or supervisor
code holder can enable the lock. It can then be opened using any valid
lock code (master, supervisor, or user code), until it is disabled.
There are two varieties of the enable/disable function.
In the first version, only the holder of the master code and
supervisor code can enable and disable the lock.
In the second version, user code holders can also disable the lock.
The master code and supervisor code holders are the only persons
who can both enable and disable the lock.
➥programmIng the Lock for management/empLoyee access mode
Your lock can be programmed so that the master code holder or
supervisor code holder can use his code to enable the lock for
opening by any valid lock code. When either the master code or
supervisor code is again to toggle the lock, it can no longer be
opened. This process can be repeated whenever appropriate.
3 2 ✽ master code #
2 #
2 #
After this programming procedure is completed, the lock will be
disabled. If a valid code is entered, the lock will emit a double
beep, but will not open.
➥enabLIng the Lock In management/empLoyee access mode
Before valid codes can be entered to open the lock, it will be
necessary to perform the following procedure.
5 5 ✽ master code or supervisor code #
Note that the lock emits four beeps to indicate that it can now
be opened by any valid code.
➥dIsabLIng the Lock In management/empLoyee access mode
To make the lock inoperable by any code, simply repeat the same
programming procedure.
5 5 ✽ master code or supervisor code #
Note that the lock emits two beeps to indicate that it is now
disabled, and cannot be opened by any code.
This sequence simply toggles the lock on and off to determine
whether or not it can be opened by the master code, supervisor
code, or any user code. When the lock is disabled, it will emit a
double beep when a code is entered, but will not open.
➥LettIng users dIsabLe the Lock In management/empLoyee access mode
Only the holder of the master code or supervisor code can enable
the lock, but there may be circumstances under which you want
user code holders to also be able to disable the lock. To allow
this, perform the following procedure.
5 6 ✽ master code #
1 #
1 #
Now, after the lock is enabled by the master code or supervisor
code holder, any user code holder can disable it by entering the
following sequence.
5 5 ✽ any user code #
When the lock is disabled, it will emit a double beep when a
code is entered, but will not open.
© Copyright 2006, Sargent & GreenleafPage 6
Operating instructiOns
Multi-User Electronic Safe Lock
2005 Series