5.4.1 Oil filter
The oil filter must be cleaned after 1000 hours of
operation and when changing the oil. First drain
the engine oil and install the oil drain plug as
above. Then clean the oil filter as follows:
1. Clean the area around the filter (13:A)
2. Slacken off the screw (13:B) 5 turns.
3. Pull out the oil filter.
Never direct the flow of compressed air
towards the body. The penetration of
air into the blood stream can be fatal.
4. Clean the filter by blowing compressed air in
and out of the filter. See fig. 14.
5. Check/replace the gasket (14:D).
6. Lubricate the gasket (14:D) and slide the filter
in to its limit position.
7. Check that the ends of the tensioner spring
(13:C) lie flush against the filter. Tighten the
screws (13:B).
8. Continue with point 7 according to “5.4 Chang-
ing engine oil” above.
5.5 Engine screws
All screwed joints on the engine must be check-
tightened after 25 hours of operation and then ev-
ery 250 hours of operation.
• The cylinder head screws must not be touched.
• The fuel injection system’s adjustment screws,
as illustrated in fig. 15, must not be touched.
5.6 Fuel filter
The fuel filter (10:E) must be replaced after every
500 hours of operation.
After replacing, the fuel system must be bled. See
Check that there is no fuel leakage once the new
filter has been installed.
5.7 Cleaning the fuel tank
During temperature changes water from the air
will condense in the fuel tank. The amount of wa-
ter that condenses increases during large tempera-
ture changes and at high humidity. The water drops
and settles at the bottom of the fuel tank.
Condensation should be drained from the fuel tank
as necessary and at least once a year.
The engine must be cold when the con-
densation id drained, otherwise there is
a risk of fire.
Smoking, fires, sparks and other heat
sources are prohibited in the proximity
when the condensation is drained.
There is a fire risk.
Drain the condensation as follows:
1. Detach the drain hose from the its mounting un-
der the rear bumper. See fig. 16.
2. Turn the drain cock (16:F) in its mounting to fa-
cilitate opening.
3. Insert the drain hose into a suitable container.
4. Open the drain cock and drain until all the water
has run out.
5. Close the drain cock and reset the cock and hose
in reverse order.
6. Dispose of the drained fluid according to local
5.8 Transmission, oil (4WD)
The oil in the hydraulic power transmission must
be checked/adjusted and changed at the intervals
given in the table below.
Type of oil: Synthetic oil 5W-50.
Oil quantity when changing: approximately 3.5 li-
5.8.1 Check – adjustment
1. Place the machine on a flat surface.
2. Read off the oil level in the reservoir. See fig.
20. The level should be level with the line.
3. If necessary, top up with more oil.
5.8.2 Draining
1. Run the machine at variable speeds for 10-20
minutes to heat up the transmission oil.
2. Position the machine completely horizontally.
3. Pull out both disengagement levers according to
fig. 7:A, B.
4. Place one container under the rear axle and one
under the front axle.
5. Open the oil reservoir by removing the cover.
Only a 3/8” square drive may be used
for the oil plug. Other tools will damage
the plug.
6. Remove the oil plug from the rear axle. Clean
the hole and use a 3/8” square drive. See figure
7. Remove 2 drain plugs from the front axle. Use
a 12 mm socket. Allow the oil in the front axle
and pipes to run out. See fig. 19.
8. Check that the gaskets on the drain plugs of the
front axle are intact. See fig. 19. Reinstall the
plugs. Tightening torque: 15-17 Nm.
1st time Then at
Hours of operation
Checking – adjusting level. - 50
Changing the oil. 5 200