
96047 First Edition 4-1
Fault Isolation
This chapter contains screen examples and a troubleshooting table to help you
diagnose power-related problems with the uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
This chapter also contains a procedure for StorageTeks service representatives
to replace the battery in the UPS.
Note: Refer to the library service manual for information about how to isolate
problems with the library.
As a quick overview, this chapter contains the following:
The screen examples demonstrate how to determine if the UPS is
functioning properly, if the AC input voltage is acceptable, if the output
load is connected, or if the battery needs replacement. The screen
information is available from the APC AP9606 Web/SNMP Management Card
inside the UPS through the Ethernet connection.
Table 4-1 on page 4-7 contains a list of possible problems and solutions that
may occur with the UPS.
Battery Replacement on page 4-9 lists the safety precautions for the
battery and outlines a procedure for StorageTeks service representatives to
replace a battery.
Note: If you are a customer, see Chapter 5 for information about how to
contact StorageTeks Customer Support Services if the UPS requires
service or maintenance.