Chocolate brownies Makes 24
60g butter
200g dark chocolate, chopped
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
2 eggs, beaten lightly
½ cup plain flour
1. Preheat oven 180�C fan forced. Grease
12 hole mini muffin pan.
2. Combine butter, chocolate and sugar in
small saucepan, cook, stirring over low
heat, until combined. Transfer to medium
bowl with flour and eggs, stirring, until
3. Divide mixture among prepared holes.
Bake, in oven, about 15 minutes or until
cooked through. Stand in pan 5 minutes,
turn onto wire rack to cool.
Note: Use 1 level tablespoon of mixture
per muffin hole.
Sticky date mini cakes Makes 36
This recipe is excellent with the caramel
sauce recipe on the previous page.
¾ cup seedless dates, chopped coarsely
¾ cup hot water
½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
60g butter, chopped
¾ cup firmly packed brown sugar
2 eggs
1 cup self raising flour
1. Preheat oven 180�C fan forced. Grease 12-
hole mini muffin pan.
2. Combine dates, water and bicarbonate of
soda in medium bowl, stand 10 minutes.
Blend or process date mixture until
3. Meanwhile, beat butter, sugar and egg until
combined. Fold through flour and date
4. Place level tablespoons of batter in each of
the prepared holes. Bake in oven about 15
minutes or until cooked through. Stand in
cake pan 5 minutes before turning onto a
wire rack to cool.
White chocolate mini cakes Makes 32
125g butter
100g white chocolate, chopped
¾ cup caster sugar
1/3 cup milk
¾ cup plain flour
1/4 cup self raising flour
1 egg, beaten lightly
1. Preheat oven 180�C fan forced. Lightly
grease 12 hole mini muffin pan.
2. Combine butter, chocolate, sugar and milk
in small saucepan stirring over low heat,
until combined.
3. Place sifted flours in medium bowl, add
cooled chocolate mixture and eggs, stirring,
until combined.
4. Drop level tablespoons of the batter into
prepared cake pan, bake, uncovered, in
oven about 20 minutes or until cooked
through. Stand cakes in pan 5 minutes,
before turning onto wire rack to cool.
Recipes (continued)