19 20
Lemon gelato Makes approx 750ml
Cooking & Prep time:
20 minutes + chilling time
1 quantity sugar syrup
¼ cup lemon zest
cup (160ml) freshly squeezed lemon juice
cup (160ml) thickened cream
1. Follow steps 1-2 for sugar syrup, including
the lemon zest and juice into the mixture.
2. Strain mixture through a fine sieve.
Refrigerate for 4-6 hours or overnight.
3. Whisk together the lemon syrup and cream
in a jug.
4. Position the Frozen dessert maker as
directed on pages 7-8. Turn unit on; add
mixture through the pouring hole.
5. Mixture will be ready once the paddle
starts to rotate in the other direction or has
Ruby red grapefruit Makes approx. 750ml
Cooking & Prep time:
20 minutes + chilling time
1 quantity sugar syrup
1 tablespoon grated ruby red grapefruit zest
cup (160ml) freshly squeezed ruby red
grapefruit juice
cup (160ml) thickened cream
1-2 drops red food colouring, optional
1. Follow steps 1-2 for sugar syrup, including
the grapefruit zest and juice into the
2. Strain mixture through a fine sieve.
Refrigerate for 4-6 hours or overnight.
3. Whisk together the ruby red grapefruit
syrup, cream and red food colouring in a
4. Position the Frozen dessert maker as
directed on pages 7-8. Turn unit on; add
mixture through the pouring hole.
5. Mixture will be ready once the paddle
starts to rotate in the other direction or has
Custard Based Gelato
Gelato Custard base Makes approx. 950ml
Cooking & Prep time:
30 minutes + chilling time
2 cup (500ml) milk
½ cup (125ml) light cream
5 egg yolks
½ cup (110g) caster sugar
1. Combine milk and cream in a saucepan.
Bring the mixture to simmering point over
low heat.
2. Whisk egg yolks and sugar together for 3-4
minutes, until light and creamy.
3. Gradually whisk in hot milk mixture into
yolk mixture until well combined.
4. Return the mixture into a clean saucepan
and cook, stirring constantly with a wooden
spoon, over low heat until mixture thickens
and coats the back of the spoon. Do not
allow mixture to boil or it will curdle.
Tip: For further tips on custard making see
page 10.
5. Transfer mixture to a bowl; allow to cool
before placing in the fridge to chill for
several hours.
6. Position the Frozen dessert maker as
directed on pages 7-8. Turn unit on; add
mixture through the pouring hole.
7. Mixture will be ready once the paddle
starts to rotate in the other direction.
Recipes continued
There are many different styles of gelato;
we have chosen two styles, sugar syrup and
custard based. Sugar syrup gelato has a light
refreshing taste with a hint of creaminess
to them while a custard based gelato has
a creamier texture but is lighter than ice
When making sugar syrup based gelato in
Snowy it is essential that the freezer canister
is as cold as possible. In most cases the
paddle may not reverse when making sugar
syrup based gelato. To gauge if your gelato is
ready, wait until the mixture comes close or
to the top of the paddle or looks quite frozen.
This time will vary depending on temperature
of ingredients, freezer canister and ambient
Sugar Syrup makes approximately 1 cup
Cooking & Prep time:
10 minutes + chilling time
1 cup (250ml) water
½ cup (110g) caster sugar
1. Place the water and sugar in a small
2. Stir over a low heat until the sugar
dissolves. Bring to the boil and cook for 2
minutes. Remove from heat. Cool to room
temperature. Refrigerate for several hours
or overnight.
3. Sugar syrup will keep for several weeks
stored in an airtight container in the
Green Apple Gelato makes approx. 750ml
Cooking & Prep time:
20 minutes + chilling time
1 quantity sugar syrup
3 small green apples, juiced
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
cup (160ml) thickened cream
1. Follow steps 1-2 for sugar syrup, including
the apple and lemon juice into the mixture.
2. Strain mixture through a fine sieve.
Refrigerate for several hours or overnight.
3. Whisk together the apple syrup and cream
in a jug.
4. Position the Frozen dessert maker as
directed on pages 6-8. Turn unit on; add
mixture through the pouring hole.
5. Mixture will be ready once the paddle
starts to rotate in the other direction or has
thickened, this will take about 35 minutes.
Tip: For a slightly greener colour use 1-2 drops
of green food colouring.
Recipes continued