
Beans and pulses.
Soak dried beans and pulses overnight. Place in
the Slow Cooker and cover with double their
volume of water.
Cover and cook on High for 5-6 hours or until
When preparing meat casseroles, best results are
achieved when the meat is lightly coated in flour
and browned in a frypan before adding to the
Slow Cooker. This helps seal in juices, giving a
more flavoursome, tender result.
To thicken a casserole, simply set the slow cooker
to high and stir through a thickening agent such
as cornflour with water. Replace lid and allow to
simmer until thickened.
Note: Remember to increase cooking time by
30 minutes each time the lid is lifted.
Cut vegetables into small even size pieces for
even cooking results.
Root vegetables such as potatoes should be
cooked on High.
Frozen vegetables should be thawed before
adding to a casserole.
When cooking meat and vegetables together,
place vegetables on the bottom and sides of
Slow Cooker, and place the meat on top. This
will encourage even cooking of both.
The High setting must be used when baking
cakes. The Slow Cooker should be pre-heated
with Crock-insert and lid in place for at least 20
Cake tins should be covered with foil to prevent
steam droplets from falling on top of the cake.
Place the tin on top of a wire rack that has been
positioned in the Slow Cooker. Do not lift the lid
until the cooking time has nearly elapsed. Insert
a skewer in the centre of the cake to test
Adapting favourite recipes.
Old favourite recipes can be adapted to slow
cooking. Reduce liquid to half the amount and
cook for the following times recommended
A guide to slow cooking (Cont).
If recipe says: Cook in Slow Cooker:
15 to 30 minutes 1
- 2
hours on HIGH
4 - 8 hours on LOW
35 to 40 minutes 2 - 4 hours on HIGH
6 - 10 hours on LOW
50 minutes to 2 hours 4 - 6 hours on HIGH
8 - 12 hours on LOW
Note: The times given above are and estimate. Times may vary depending on some
ingredients and amounts in recipes.