Recipes continued
Carrot Spice Cake
200ml strawberry pulp
50ml strawberry juice
400ml whipped cream
1 cup icing sugar
pinch salt
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon vanilla
Combine pulp and juice. Set aside.
Using a Sunbeam Mixmaster, whip the cream
until stiff.
Combine the pulp, juice, icing sugar, salt,
lemon juice and vanilla, stir well. Fold the
mixture through the cream.
Spoon the mousse into parfait glasses or
serving bowls and freeze until firm.
Vegetable Patties
1 cup carrot pulp
300g can kidney beans, pureed
1 onion, chopped
1/4 cup parsley, chopped
1 cup cooked brown rice
1 egg
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon basil
2 tablespoons wholemeal flour
1 cup chopped nuts
4 tablespoons oil
Combine all ingredients, except nuts & oil.
Make heaped tablespoons of mixture, shape
into patties and role in chopped nuts.
Heat oil in pan and cook patties until golden
Cucumber Raita
200ml cucumber pulp
Combine ingredients well.
This is delicious when served with curries or
can be used as a dip.