
Health Benefits of Plant Foods A to Z continued
Iron A mineral needed for the production of red blood cells and
muscles. Iron carries oxygen around the blood and is best
absorbed from animal sources.
Lignin A ‘woody’ type of insoluble fibre. See ‘Dietary Fibre’.
Lycopene A type of carotenoid that may help to prevent cancers of the
prostate, stomach and pancreas.
Lutein A type of carotenoid that has been shown to protect the
degeneration of eyesight.
Luteolin A type of flavonoid found mainly in citrus fruits.
Magnesium A mineral important for the healthy functioning of enzymes and
Menthol Derived from the volatile oil of peppermint.
Niacin A B vitamin used to release energy from food and deliver it to cells
in the body.
Oligosaccharides A form of carbohydrate, unavailable for absorption in the small
intestine. Oligosaccharides are fermented by bacteria in the large
intestine and in large doses may cause wind.
Papain An enzyme that assists with protein digestion
Pectin A type of soluble fibre that helps reduce blood cholesterol levels
and regulate blood sugar levels. See ‘Dietary Fibre’.
Phenolics A large group of chemical compounds found in a wide range
of foods. Includes a range of antioxidants such as flavonoids,
catechins and anthocyanins.
Phosphorous A mineral essential for healthy bones and teeth and also plays a
role in the body’s energy, protein and genetic make up.
Potassium A mineral essential for healthy functioning of muscles and the
nervous system. Potassium may assist in the regulation of blood
Protein A macronutrient essential for the growth, development and repair
of healthy cells.
Resveratrol A phenolic compound with a powerful anti-cancer effect. See
Riboflavin A B vitamin, riboflavin is involved in energy production. It is also
needed for healthy skin, hair and nails.
Sulphoraphane A type of sulphur compound, similar to indole that is involved in
blocking or suppressing DNA damage and reducing the size of
tumours. See ‘Sulphur Compounds’.