Tips for cooking rice
Results may vary depending on the type of
rice used.
1. For fluffier rice, add a little extra water and
for firmer rice, add a little less water.
2. Should you happen to add too much extra
water, the excess water may overflow
during cooking. It is a good idea to cook
the rice with the recommended quantity of
water first and then if the rice is still firm,
add a little extra water which can be stirred
through at the end. You will then need
to depress the automatic lever to “COOK”
3. The rice cup provided is not a standard
metric measuring cup.
Sunbeam rice cup = 150g uncooked rice
= 180ml water
If you lose the rice measuring cup provided use
the ratio:
1 cup uncooked white rice = 1 cup water
1 cup uncooked brown rice = 1 ½ cups water
Cooking times will vary if using a larger
measuring cup.
4. Wash rice thoroughly until the water runs
5. Brown rice needs more water to cook,
which results in a build up of starchy water
and bubbles forming around the lid, which
can cause spitting from the air vent. Make
sure the brown rice is rinsed well before