6.3 Using distance intervals
You can set distance intervals for interval training after you have paired your Suunto
t6d with a speed and distance POD. When you start the stopwatch, your Suunto t6d
alerts and records lap times and other data after every completed interval.
To set the distance intervals:
1. In the settings menu, enter SPD/DST.
2. Scroll to INTERVAL with [Lap +] and [Light -] and enter with [Mode].
3. Set the intervals on or off with [Lap +] and [Light -] and accept with [Mode].
4. Set the first interval with [Lap +] and [Light -].
5. Accept the setting and move to the next interval with [Mode].
6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for remaining intervals.
7. Press [Start Stop] to exit.
6.4 Using speed limits
You can turn on speed limits and define the upper and lower speed limits for yourself,
after you have paired your Suunto t6d with a speed and distance POD. The speed limits
will notify you if you go above or below the limits.
Limits feature: on or offon / offlimits
Lower speed limit00:00lower