acceleration skid, too much throttle causes
the driving wheels to spin.
A cornering skid is best handled by easing
your foot off the accelerator pedal.
Remember: Any traction control system
helps avoid only the acceleration skid. If
your traction system is off, then an acceler-
ation skid is also best handled by easing
your foot off the accelerator pedal. Refer to
“Traction Control System (TCS)” and
“Electronic Stability Control” in this section.
If your vehicle starts to slide, ease your
foot off the accelerator pedal and quickly
steer the way you want the vehicle to go. If
you start steering quickly enough, your
vehicle may straighten out. Always be
ready for a second skid if it occurs.
Of course, traction is reduced when water,
snow, ice, gravel, or other material is on
the road. For safety, you will want to slow
down and adjust your driving to these con-
ditions. It is important to slow down on slip-
pery surfaces because stopping distance
will be longer and vehicle control more lim-
While driving on a surface with reduced
traction, try your best to avoid sudden
steering, acceleration, or braking, including
reducing vehicle speed by shifting to a
lower gear. Any sudden changes could
cause the tires to slide. You may not realize
the surface is slippery until your vehicle is
skidding. Learn to recognize warning clues
– such as enough water, ice, or packed
snow on the road to make a mirrored sur-
face – and slow down when you have any
If you have the Anti-Lock Brake System
(ABS), remember: It helps avoid only the
braking skid. If you do not have ABS, then
in a braking skid, where the wheels are no
longer rolling, release enough pressure on
the brakes to get the wheels rolling again.
This restores steering control. Push the
brake pedal down steadily when you have
to stop suddenly. As long as the wheels
are rolling, you will have steering control.
Remember: Any Anti-Lock Brake System
(ABS) helps avoid only the braking skid.
Driving at Night
Night driving is more dangerous than day
driving. One reason is that some drivers
are likely to be impaired – by alcohol or
drugs, with night vision problems, or by
Here are some tips on night driving.
• Drive defensively.
• Do not drink and drive.
• Adjust the inside rearview mirror to
reduce glare from headlamps behind
• Since you cannot see as well, you may
need to slow down and keep more space
between you and other vehicles.
• Slow down, especially on higher speed
roads. Your vehicle’s headlamps can
light up only much road ahead.
• In remote areas, watch for animals.
• If you are tired, pull off the road in a safe
place and rest.
No one can see as well at night as in the
daytime. But as we get older these differ-
ences increase. A 50-year-old driver may
require at least twice much light to see the
same thing at night as a 20-year-old.
What you do in the daytime can also affect
your night vision. For example, if you
spend the day in bright sunshine you are
wise to wear sunglasses. Your eyes will
have less trouble adjusting to night. But if
you are driving, do not wear sunglasses at
night. They may cut down on glare from
headlamps, but they also make a lot of
things invisible.
You can be temporarily blinded by
approaching headlamps. It can take a sec-
ond or two, or even several seconds, for
your eyes to re-adjust to the dark. When
you are faced with severe glare, as from a
driver who does not lower the high beams,
or a vehicle with misaimed headlamps,
slow down a little. Avoid staring directly
into the approaching headlamps.
Keep the windshield and all the glass on
your vehicle clean – inside and out. Glare
at night is made much worse by dirt on the
glass. Even the inside of the glass can