Deduplication storage unit properties
The following arethe configurationoptions for a PureDisk diskpool storageunit.
Table 5-3
Deduplication storage unit properties
A unique name for the new storage unit. The name can describe the
type of storage. The storage unit name is the name used to specify a
storageunitforpoliciesand schedules.Thestorageunitnamecannot
be changed after creation.
Select Disk as the storage unit type.Storageunittype
Select PureDisk for the disk type for a media server deduplication
pool, a PureDisk deduplication pool, or a PureDisk Deduplication
Option storage pool.
Select the disk pool that contains the storage for this storage unit.
All disk pools of the specified Disktype appear in the Diskpool list.
If no disk pools are configured, no disk pools appear in the list.
TheMediaserversettingspecifies theNetBackupmedia serversthat
can move data to and from the disk pool for this storage unit. Only
the load balancing servers appear in the media server list.
Specify the media server or servers as follows:
■ To allow any server in the media server list to access the disk
storage (default), select Useanyavailable mediaserver.
■ Torestrictthemediaserversthatcanaccessthediskstorage,select
Onlyusethe followingmediaservers. Then, select the media
servers to allow.
NetBackup selects the media server to use when the policy runs.
For normal backups, NetBackup breaks each backup image into
fragments so it does not exceed the maximum file size that the file
system allows. You can enter a value from 20 MBs to 51200 MBs.
53Configuring deduplication
Configuring a deduplication storage unit