The Scheduled Tasks table contains the following information:
Column Description
Run Now/Stop/Initializing
Click this button to start or stop the task in this row. This
column also displays "Initializing" when a task is in the middle
of a process.
Edit Click this link to edit the task in this row.
Delete Click this link to delete the task in this row.
Description A description of this task, created when you scheduled the task.
Machine Lists
Machine Lists to audit. All devices in all Machine Lists listed will
be audited. You can only edit global Machine Lists in the
SecurityExpressions Console.
Policies Name of the Policies to use for the audit.
Run On Server on which to run audit.
Last Ran Last time this task ran.
Current Schedule Time and frequency of the scheduled task.
Notifications List of notifications to run when the task completes.
Windows Group Edit Access Windows User Groups who can modify this task.
Windows Group Run Access Windows User Groups who can use this task to run audits.
How many computers were included in the most recently ran or
currently running audit. This would be the total number of
computers in all machine lists selected for the audit.
How many computers were audited or had an audit attempt
during the most recently ran or currently running audit.
How many computers were successfully audited during the
most recently ran or currently running audit.
Connection Error
How many computers were not audited due to a connection
error during the most recently ran or currently running audit.
Not Found
How many computers were not audited because they weren't
found on the network during the most recently ran or currently
running audit.
Adding Scheduled Tasks
To configure a new scheduled task:
1. Click the Audit-On-Schedule tab and then the Scheduled Tasks link.
2. Click the Add New button to configure a new task.
Basic Settings
3. In the Description box, type a brief statement identifying the scheduled task.
4. In the Policies list, select one or more policies on which you want to base any audits this
task performs.
Policies are configured on the Policies page. If none of the existing policies meet your
needs, you can configure a new one by clicking the Edit Policy List link, which opens the