
TANDBERG Border Controller User Manual
The not-present node is executed when the address specified in the address-switch was not
present in the call setup message. This form is most useful wh en authentication is being used.
With authentication enabled the Border Controller will only use authenticated aliases when
running policy so the not-present action can be used to take appropriate action when a call is
received from an unauthenticated user (see example in section 8.4).
8.2 CPL Script Actions
8.2.1 location
As the CPL script runs it maintains a list of addresses (H.323 IDs, URLs and E.164 numbers)
which will be used as the destination of the call if a proxy node is executed. The location node
allows the location set to be modified so that calls can be redirected to different destinations.
At the start of script execution the location set is initialized to empty for incoming calls and to the
original destination for outgoing calls.
The following attributes are supported on location nodes
Clear = "yes" | "no"
Specifies whether to clear the current location set before adding the new location. The default is
to append this location to the end of the set.
The new location to be added to the location set. The given string can specify a URL (user@domain.com),
H.323 ID or an E.164 number.
8.2.2 proxy
On executing a proxy node the Border Controller will attempt to forward the call to the locations
specified in the current location set. If multiple entries are in the location set then they are treated
as different aliases for the same destination and are all placed in the destination alias field. If the
current location set is empty the call will be forwarded to its original destination.
It is important to note that when a proxy node is executed script execution stops imm ediately i.e.
there is currently no support for the proxy outputs busy, noanswer etc.
8.2.3 reject
If a reject node is executed the Border Controller stops any further script processing and rejects
the current call.