Place the desired number of blank discs into the input stack of the loader. Then, using
the /\, \/, < & > keys enter the required quantity to copy (see Entering Numbers). When
the display shows the required count, press the ENTER key. The top drive tray will
open and the following prompt will be displayed:
Insert Master Disc
Press ENTER key.
Put the Master disc on top of the blank discs in the input stack and press the ENTER
key. The loader will pick the Master disc and load it into the drive to be read. When
the Master disc is read the tray will open and the disc will be placed into the Accept
The loader will pick a blank disc from the input stack, and place it into the drive. The
next drive will open, and a second blank will be loaded. Once all drives have blank
media, copying will begin.
On completing the copy, each drive in turn with a good disc will eject the tray and wait
to be automatically unloaded, and then loaded with another blank. Copying will
automatically start again once all drives are closed, and have blank media.
Bad discs will be rejected, and placed on the loader to the front of the drives.
To Copy from an image that is already on the hard disk, select the menu item Start
Copying as above, but in response to the message
Read New Master?
Press the NO key. A list of the images stored on the hard disk will be displayed on the
LCD. Use the /\ & \/ keys to place the > cursor next to the required image and press
ENTER. Enter the quantity required, as above. The drives will be loaded with blank
media in the same way as above.