Chapter 6 – Voice Commands
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 63
AT+VLS=4 The modem selects the speaker. The modem had earlier reported that a speaker was
OK The modem agrees.
AT+VTX The PC selects the Voice Transmit mode.
CONNECT The modem agrees.
<Data> The PC delivers <DLE> shielded and silence compressed voice data across the
PC/modem interface.
<DLE> <ETX> The PC indicates the end of the Voice data stream.
OK The modem indicates it is in Voice Command mode.
AT+VLS=0 The PC deselects all devices.
OK The modem agrees.
The PC switches to Data mode, Command mode, and autobauding enabled:
OK The modem agrees.
Answer Phone, Play Greeting Message, and Record Message Example
Command Response
AT+FCLASS=8; The DCE switches to Voice mode. The DTE selects a fixed
AT+VIT=60; DTE-DCE interface rate. The DTE knows from the sample
+VPR=16 rate selected earlier and the bits-per-sample that the DTE-DCE interface rate should be
38400 bps. The DTE-DCE Inactivity Timer starts with 60 seconds.
OK DCE agrees (to the old DTE/DCE interface rate).
AT+VSM=129, 7200, 0, 0 DTE changes its DTE/DCE rate to 38400 bps and selects a compression method
with the least sensitive setting, with the goal of recording a message with less distortion,
and at 7200 samples per second. Assume that the DTE issued a +VSM=? command
OK The DCE agrees.
AT+VSD=127, 20 DTE selects a silence detection period of 2 seconds.
AT+VLS=0 DTE selects a silence detection period of 2 seconds with the least sensitive setting (for
detecting the end of voice recording).
OK The DCE agrees.
AT+VIT=0; The DTE selects the Data mode with autobauding, and disables +VPR=0; automatic DCE
answering. The DCE waits for a phone call.
+FCLASS=0 (not necessarily in Data mode).
OK The DCE agrees.
RING At some time, a remote station calls.
AT+FCLASS=8; The DCE switches to Voice mode. The DCE selects a fixed AT+VIT=60; DTE/DCE
Interface Rate. The DTE knows from the sample AT+VPR=16; rate selected earlier and
the bits per sample that the DTE/DCE Interface Rate should be 38400 baud. The
DTE/DCE Inactivity Timer starts with a value of 60 seconds.
OK The DCE agrees (at the old DTE/DCE Interface Rate).
AT+VLS=0 The DTE selects all devices.
OK The DCE agrees.
AT+VIT=0; The DTE selects Data mode/Command mode with
+VPR=0; autobauding, and disables automatic DCE answering. The +FCLASS=0; DCE waits for a
phone call (not necessarily in Data mode).
AT+FCLASS=8; The DCE switches to Voice mode. The DCE selects a fixed DTE/DCEAT+VIT=60;
AT+VPR=16; Interface Rate. The DTE knows from the sample rate selected earlier and the bits per
sample that the DTE/DCE Interface Rate should be 38400 baud. The DTE/DCE Inactivity
Timer starts with a value of 60 seconds.
OK The DCE agrees (at the old DTE/DCE Interface Rate).
<DLE> <R> The DCE selects another ring (at 38400 bps).