Others hobs
• Remove the tap controls by pulling them
u p w a rds stro n g l y.
• Light the burners at their minimum setting.
• Use a small screw driver to remove the
s c r ew on the right or centre of the plug of
the gas key (turn left for a big flame and
right for a small flame).
• Once the setting has been graduated
check the the flame remains at its mini-
mum setting when the control is bru s q u e l y
t u rned between the maximum and the
minimum setting.
Models CG LUX-75 and CG LUX-86 re g u l a t e d
for town gas can not be transformed to opera-
te neither natural nor butane gas.
The only intervention necessary for the trans-
f o rmation is the replacement of the gas nozz-
les and their setting.
TEKA INDUSTRIAL, S.A. will not accept re s-
ponsibility for incorrect hob operation in the
gas transformation and regulation of minimum
b u rner settings are not carried out by TEKA’s
official Technical Service.
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