
Performance Check and Calibration Procedures
760A / 760D / 760N
f. CHECK – that the crt is blanked out while there is no signal applied.
5. Adjust Geometry, Focus, and Astigmatism
a. ADJUST – R45 (GEOM) for 35V "1V at pin 1 of J3.
a. Reconnect the signal from the leveled audio signal generator to the
b. Set the FOCUS control on the front panel so that it is approximately at
the center of its range.
c. ADJUST – R11 (CTR FOCUS) and R49 (ASTIG) for the most clearly
defined display.
6. Adjust Horizontal Position, and Trace Rotation
a. Reconnect the signal from the leveled audio signal generator to the
b. ADJUST – The front panel HORIZontal POSition control (R600) to
center the trace.
c. ADJUST – The front panel TRACE ROTation control (R400) to align
the trace with the vertical (L=R) axis.
7. Adjust Horizontal Dynamic Stability
a. ADJUST – R777 (Horizontal Channel Offset Control, on A3) to
eliminate any left–right motion of the vertical trace as the audio
generator is turned on and off.
NOTE. If the audio generator is capable of tone burst operation, such as the
TEKTRONIX SG5010, it may be set for one second on one second off tone burst
operation, instead of turning the generator on and off.
8. Adjust Vertical Position and Orthogonality
a. Move the leveled audio signal generator output to the RIGHT AUDIO
b. ADJUST – The front panel VERTical POSition control (R601) to center
the trace on the dotted horizontal line.