
Operating Instructions
1502C MTDR User Manual
6. View Stored Waveform Settings displays the instrument settings for the
stored waveform.
7. Option Port Menu contains three items. Two items allow configuration of
the option port for communicating with devices other than the optional chart
recorder and one item test the option port.
a. Option Port Diagnostic creates a repeating pattern of signals at the
option port to allow service technicians to verify that all signals are
present and working correctly.
b. Set Option Port Timing allows adjustment of the data rate used to
communicate with external devices. The timing rate between bytes can
be set from about 0.05 to 12.8 milliseconds.
c. Option Port Debugging Is Off/On. Off is quiet, On is verbose. This
chooses how detailed the error message reporting will be when
communicating with an external device.
It is possible to connect the instrument to a computer through a parallel
interface with a unique software driver. Because different computers vary
widely in processing speed, the instrument must be able to adapt to differing
data rates while communicating with those computers. With user-developed
software drivers, the ability to obtain detailed error messages during the
development can be very useful. For more information, contact your
Tektronix Customer Service representatives. They have information
describing the option port hardware and software protocol and custom
development methods available.
The SP-232, a serial interface product, also allows for connection of the
1502C to other instrumentation, including computers, via the option port.
SP-232 is an RS-232C-compatible interface. For more information, contact
your Tektronix Customer Service Representative. They can provide you with
additional details on the hardware and software protocol.
8. Display Contrast (Software Version 5.02 and above)
a. Press the MENU button firmly once. If the display is very light or very
dark, you might not be able to see a change in the contrast.
b. Turn the VERTICAL SCALE knob slowly clockwise to darken the
display or counterclockwise to lighten the display. If you turn the knob
far enough, the contrast will wrap from the darkest to lightest value.
c. When the screen is clearly readable, press the MENU button again to
return to normal measurement operation. The new contrast value will
remain in effect until the instrument is turned off.