Appendix B: Algorithms
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A User Manual
Negative Width
Timing measurement. The distance (time) between (default = 50%)
amplitude points of a negative pulse.
If = ‘–’
= –
= –
Peak to Peak
Amplitude measurement. The absolute difference between the maximum and
minimum amplitude.
= –
Timing measurement. Time taken for one complete signal cycle. The recipro-
cal of frequency. Measured in seconds.
= –
Timing measurement. The amount of phase shift, expressed in degrees of the
target waveform cycle, between the crossings of two different wave-
forms. Waveforms measured should be of the same frequency or one wave-
form should be a harmonic of the other.
Phase is a dual waveform measurement; that is, it is measured from a target
waveform to a reference waveform. To get a specific phase measurement,
you must specify the target and reference sources.
Phase is determined in the following manner:
1. The first and third in the source
(target) waveform are found.
2. The period of the target waveform is calculated (see “Period” above).
3. The first in the reference waveform crossing
in the same direction (polarity) as that found for the target
waveform is found.
4. The phase is determined by the following: