
Printing Basics
Phaser 560 Color Laser Printer
Resident typefaces (PCL5)
For PCL5 (Printer Command Language) printing (HP Laserjet III emulation),
the printer supports Courier, Times, and Universe typefaces in medium,
bold, italic medium, and italic bold.
Downloading fonts
The printer accepts PostScript Type 1, Type 3, and TrueType downloadable
If you have an external hard disk connected to a Phaser 560 printer, you can
store the downloadable fonts on it. You can use utilities on the CD-ROM to
download fonts to the printer. For details, refer to the topics on the printer’s
CD-ROM or on the Tektronix World Wide Web site.
Macintosh fonts
The Macintosh Driver and Printer Utilities diskette and CD-ROM include
screen fonts for these typeface families: Times, Helvetica, Courier, Symbol,
Helvetica Condensed, Helvetica Narrow, Palatino, ITC Avant Garde Gothic,
ITC Bookman, ITC Zapf Chancery, ITC Zapf Dingbats, and New Century
If they are not already installed, you must install these screen fonts to see the
printer’s resident typefaces on the Macintosh screen. Refer to the topics on
the printer’s CD-ROM or on the Tektronix World Wide Web site for details.