
Performance Verification
AWG510 & AWG520 Service Manual
2. Set the AWG500–Series Waveform Generator controls and select the
waveform file:
a. Initialize the AWG500–Series Waveform Generator controls:
Push UTILITY (front–panel)!
System (bottom)!Factory Reset (side)!OK (side).
b. Select the waveform file: Load the MODE.WFM as referring to the
procedures on page 4–15.
c. Set the noise on:
H Push SETUP (front–panel)!NOISE (bottom)!Level (side).
H Set the noise level to –105 dBm/Hz using the general purpose knob.
d. Set the noise on: Push the Output side button so that the On is selected
3. Check noise level:
a. Change the unit in the spectrum analyzer: Change the unit to dBm/Hz
when the dBm is currently set.
b. Check noise Level: Check that the noise level of the spectrum displayed
on the spectrum analyzer is –105 dBm/Hz "2.5 dBm/Hz at 100 MHz.
4. End procedure: Disconnect the spectrum analyzer.