Status and Events
TLS 216 Programmer Manual
Table 3–6 lists the device errors that can occur during logic scope operation.
These errors may indicate the logic scope needs repair.
Table 3–6: Device Error Messages —
DDE Bit 3
Code Message
300 Device-specific error
310 System error
311 Memory error
312 PUD memory lost
313 Calibration memory lost
314 Save/recall memory lost
315 Configuration memory lost
350 Queue overflow (does not set DDE bit)
Table 3–7 lists the system event messages. These messages are generated
whenever certain system conditions occur.
Table 3–7: System Event Messages
Code Message
400 Query event
401 Power on (PON bit 7 set)
402 Operation complete (OPC bit 0 set)
403 User request (URQ bit 6 set)
404 Power fail (DDE bit 3 set)
405 Request control
410 Query INTERRUPTED (QYE bit 2 set)
420 Query UNTERMINATED (QYE bit 2 set)
430 Query DEADLOCKED (QYE bit 2 set)
440 Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response
(QYE bit 2 set)
450 Right menu button #1 pushed (URQ bit 6 set)
451 Right menu button #2 pushed (URQ bit 6 set)
452 Right menu button #3 pushed (URQ bit 6 set)
453 Right menu button #4 pushed (URQ bit 6 set)
454 Right menu button #5 pushed (URQ bit 6 set)
460 Bottom menu button #1 pushed (URQ bit 6 set)