Operating Information
WFM 90 and WFM 91 Service Manual
Power Switch. Press the ON button to toggle the instrument power on and off.
The current instrument keypad and menu selections are saved when the
instrument is turned off using this button.
NOTE. The instrument configuration is not saved if the power source is removed
before the instrument is turned off with this button.
Display Mode Selection. Use the following front-panel buttons to access the
different display modes:
H Press the WFM button to enter the Waveform display mode.
H Press the VECT button to enter the Vector display mode.
H Press the AUDIO button to enter the Audio display mode.
H Press the PIX button to enter the Picture display mode.
H Press the WIP button to enter the Waveform-in-Picture display mode. The
previously selected display mode, other than Picture, is shown in a
1/4-screen-sized window that overlays the Picture display.
Menu Control. Use the following front-panel buttons to enter the different menus:
H Press the MENU button to toggle the Operating menu on and off. The
Operating menu contains monitoring selections which are specifically related
to the currently selected display mode. Operating menu selections include
signal gain and filtering, audio reference levels, and safe action and title
H Press the CONFIG button to toggle the Configuration menu on and off. The
Configuration menu contains selections which control overall instrument
monitoring operation. Configuration menu contents include signal and
display controls such as brightness and variable gain. Special modes for
monitoring signal amplitude and managing the battery power consumption
are enabled in this menu.
H Press the LINE SEL button to toggle the Line Select mode on and off and to
display the Line Select menu.
H The four unlabeled buttons directly below the display are referred to as the
Bezel Buttons. These buttons are used to make menu selections and are only
enabled while menus are displayed on screen.