Performance Verification
WFM 90 and WFM 91 Service Manual
Performance Verification Procedures
Perform the performance verification procedures to ensure that the instrument is
operating properly and is meeting the performance requirements listed in the
characteristic tables of the Specifications section.
Throughout these procedures the following conventions apply:
H Each verification procedure uses the following format:
Title of verification procedure
Specification requirement(s) the procedure is verifying
Verification procedure
H When you are instructed to use a front-panel control or to select a specific
menu item of the WFM 90 or WFM 91 Handheld Waveform, Vector, Picture,
and Audio Monitor, the name of the control or menu item appears in
boldface type.
NOTE. Do not make changes to the front-panel settings or controls that are not
called out in the procedures. Each procedure will require you to set the
instrument to certain default settings before verifying the procedure requirement.
If you make changes to these settings, other than those called out in the
procedure, you may obtain invalid results.
The verification procedures are written in a format that assumes you are
performing the procedures in sequential order from the beginning. If you are
unsure about equipment hookups or instrument settings for a specific procedure,
you will need to review the previous procedures to verify the hookups and
settings required for the current procedure.
The tests in this section comprise a valid confirmation of instrument performance
when the following requirements are met:
H Test equipment used to verify performance requirements must be calibrated
and working within the limits specified in Table 4–2 on page 4–2.
H The WFM 90 or WFM 91 Handheld Waveform, Vector, Picture, and Audio
Monitor must have last been adjusted at an ambient temperature range of
+20° C to +30° C, and must have been operating for a warm-up period of at
least 20 minutes.