
Teledyne API Model 200AH NO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 06492, Rev. G2
Table 9-1: Test Functions (Continued)
Test Function Factory Set-Up Comment
NORM PMT 0-5000 mV Normalized PMT voltage. Takes raw PMT voltage and applies
temperature and pressure corrections. Use NORM PMT when
doing the factory calibration procedure. A slope of 1.0 can be
achieved for high altitude sites and pumps that are significantly
down from their maximum vacuum.
AZERO -20-100 mV
Check value in
Table 2-1
AZERO is the current value of the AutoZero circuit reading. The
number typically should around zero. The value may be temporarily
outside this range if the PMT has been recently been exposed to
light or the instrument has been turned off for several days. If the
value stays outside this range, check the AutoZero and NO/NO
valve for a cross port leak. Use Diagnostic mode to manually check
the AutoZero valve for correct operation.
HVPS 400-600 VDC This represents the scaled-up HVPS programming voltage to the
HVPS. The design of the HVPS precludes taking a single reading
that indicates the health of the supply. Refer to the HVPS
Troubleshooting Section for a procedure for testing the
HVPS. This TEST function is used primarily to set the HVPS
voltage value. The supply will function over a voltage range of 375
to 1000 VDC. A value in the 400 to 600 volt range is common for
the M200AH.
200 mV DCPS is a composite of the +5 and 15 VDC supplies. It has been
arbitrarily set at 2500
200 mV. If it is not in this range one of the
voltages in the supply is not working. Check the procedures for
diagnosing the Power Supply Module.
2 The reaction cell temperature is controlled to 50°C 2°C by the
computer. It should only read other values when the instrument is
warming up. If the value is outside the acceptable range, go to the
procedure for diagnosing the Reaction cell temp supply. The alarm
limits are less than 45°C and greater than 55°C.
BOX TEMP 8-48°C The Box Temp is read from a thermistor on the Status/Temp board
(01086). It should usually read about 5°C above room temp. The
M200AH is designed to operate from 5 to 40°C ambient. Therefore
the box temperature should be in the range of about 10 to 50°C.
Temperatures outside this range will cause premature failures of
components, and poor data quality. Warning limits are < 8°C and
> 48°C.
The PMT detector is very temperature sensitive. The PMT
temperature should always be 7°C, except at power-up.
Temperatures more than
1°C from the set point indicate problems
with the cooler circuit. See Section for PMT cooler
diagnostic and troubleshooting. Warning limits are < 5°C and
> 14°C.
Temperature of the orifice block that houses the sample flow
orifice. Should be 50°C except when the instrument is warming up.