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General Do's and Don'ts
VCBD1611 Vacuum Cleaner User Guide
When you have finished vacuuming:
Switchoffandunplug theappliance.
Disconnect the accessories and store the cleaner in the
vertical position or place the cleaner normally with the
accessoriesintheparked position.
The Dust bag should be emptied at
regular intervals to prevent clogging,
with a loss of suction power and poor
cleaning. When the 'Dust Bag Full'
indicator goes red the dust bag must be
emptiedtoavoiddamage tothecleaner
Lift the top cover release catch
and hingethecoverup
Carefullydetachthebag fromthecradleand discardit.
Place a new bag in the cradle making sure that the top fits
securelybehindallthe tabs.Closethelid.
Clean the two filters often. Failure to clean the filters regularly
willreducethecleaner efficiencyandmayshorten itslifespan.
is at the rear of the cleaner. Press the
catchdown,liftoff thecoverandthen removethefilter.
is in a cage at the rear of the inside
compartment. This should be accessed with the bag removed.
Slidethefiltercage outandthenremove thefilter.
Brush the inlet and outlet cavities out. This will help keep the
internalairwayscleanand maintaincleanerperformance.
Removing the Dust
Cleaning and Replacing the Filters
The Motor Outlet Filter
The Inlet Filter
attach or remove accessories when the vacuum
pullthecleaneraround theroombythe hose.
over extend the hose. Trying to reach beyond the
hoselengthcouldcause anaccident.
Beespeciallycarefulon stairs.
pull or carry the cleaner by the cord, close a door on
the cord, or pull the cord around sharp edges or corners. Do
notoverextendthe cord.Switchthecleaner offandmoveit toa
closerpowerpoint.Use justenoughcordto dothejob.
Usethecarryhandle toliftormove thecleaner.
If you are moving the cleaner a long way or up a flight ofstairs,
switchoff, rewindthepowercord andparktheaccessories.
Clearing a Blockage
Ifyou suspecta blockage:
Ifthis doesnot removethe blockage:
operate the cleaner with damaged filters or with a filter
missing. Use approved filters and regularly clean and replace
Ifthe cleanerloses suction thismay bedue toclogged filtersor
a blockage.
Set the cleaner upright, switch off and unplug immediately.
Emptythedust,check allthefiltersand cleanthem.
Check the extension tubes and accessories visually and
removeanyblockagewith astickorbroom handle.
DO NOT operate the cleaner if the suction is