1-Cotton 90°C
2- Cotton 60°C with prewash
3- Cotton 60°C
4- Cotton 40°C
5- Eco wash
6- Quick wash
7- Cotton cold
8- Synthetic 60°C
9- Synthetic 40°C
10- Synthetic cold
11- Delicate 30°C
12- Wool 30°C
13- Rinsing
14- Spin
15- Draining
0- OFF
Plug the machine.
Open the tap water.
First wash cycle
There may be water left inside your machine after factory tests and trials.It is
recommended that the first wash cycle should be made without any laundry
so that carry out this water; pour half a measuring cup of normal allpurpose
detergent into compartment 2 and select cotton program at 90°C.
Discrimination of your laundry
Discriminate your clothes according to their types (cotton, synthetic,
sensitive, woolen, etc.),washing temperatures and level of dirtiness.
Never wash your white and coloured clothes together.
Since your new coloured clothes may shed dye on the first wash,
wash them separately.
Be careful that no metal pieces are found on or in the pockets of your
clothes, remove if there is any.
Zip and button your clothes.
Remove the plastic or metal hooks of the curtains and laces or place
them inside a washing bag and tie.