24 PowrTwin Plus
6.10 SAE O-Ring Fitting Installation
1. Pull washer and o-ring back as far as possible.
2. Lubricate o-ring (1) and entrance port (2).
3. Screw tting in until washer pushes o-ring into entrance and
sits at against port. (Do not tighten! - only do this step hand
tight to compress o-ring into port!)
4. Back tting out no more than one complete turn to align as
5. Torque nut wrench tight holding backup on tting (3). This
should expose a recess gap (4) behind the nut which can act
as an indicator that the tting is assembled correctly. (This is a
feature for a specic version of this tting only - which screws
into the cylinder head. Other ttings, as the ones which attach
to the hydraulic pump, assemble the same but may not have
the indicator.)
Avoid screwing in the fitting too far. This can cause
the washer to bend, which will cause the O-ring to
Avoid leaving the fitting out too far. This can lead to
the O-ring being cut on the threads of the fitting.