10 © SprayTECH. All rights reserved.
Optional Accessories
Part Number Description
0276254 Projector set, #2 complete
0276227 Projector set, #3 complete
0276228 Projector set, #4 complete
0276229 Projector set, #5 complete
0276245 Projector set, #6 complete
0524211 Projector set, #7 complete
0277090 Projector set, low air ow, #2A complete
0277091 Projector set, low air ow, #3A complete
0277092 Projector set, low air ow, #4A complete
0277093 Projector set, low air ow, #5A complete
0277094 Projector set, low air ow, #6A complete
0276449 Air cap, #2
0276452 Air cap, #3
0276455 Air cap, #4
0276458 Air cap, #5
0276417 Air cap, #6
0524401 Air cap, #7
0295641 Air cap, low air ow, #2A
0295642 Air cap, low air ow, #3A
0295643 Air cap, low air ow, #4A
0295644 Air cap, low air ow, #5A
0295645 Air cap, low air ow, #6A
0276446 Nozzle, #2
0276451 Nozzle, #3
0276454 Nozzle, #4
0276457 Nozzle, #5
0276418 Nozzle, #6
0524363 Nozzle, #7
0276447 Needle assembly, #2
0276453 Needle assembly, #3
0276456 Needle assembly, #4
0276459 Needle assembly, #5
0276244 Needle assembly, #6
0524210 Needle assembly, #7
0508124 Cover, clip-on, 1 quart
0279942 Tip accessory kit
0279941 Deluxe tip accessory kit
NOTE: The “low air ow” projector sets and air caps are
suitable for low CFM compressors.
Repair Kits
Part Number Description
0297051 Check valve repair kit (Includes 3 assemblies)
0276257 Check valve membrane kit
(includes 10 membranes)
0297052 Gasket, cup, white (includes 6 gaskets)
0276258 Gasket, cup, Thiokol - black (includes 6 gaskets)
0277943 HVLP gun repair kit
• front air valve seal
• rear air valve seal
• needle packing
• air control valve o-ring (2)
• check valve assembly
• check valve tube, short
• check valve tube, long
• cup gasket
Material Reduction/Projector Set Chart
Before spraying, the material being used must be thinned with an appropriate solvent and the proper projector set must be installed. It
is always best to follow the material manufacturers recommendations and thinning procedures.
There are two simple methods of measuring the proper thickness of a material:
1. Dip a paint stick into the material and remove it, watching carefully as the material runs off. When the material begins to form
drops, the drops should fall about 1 second apart.
2. Use a viscosity cup (P/N 0153165). Dip the cup into the material and remove it. Use a watch or clock to time how long the
material drains from the cup in a continuous stream. Once the continuous stream breaks, stop timing and refer to the table below.
Add the appropriate solvent and continue testing until the proper thickness is reached for the type of material you are using.
Material % of reduction Time Solvent Projector Set
Latex ..............................20-25% ..................................30-35 sec. ............Water .............................................5
Oil ...................................10-20% ..................................20-30 sec. ............Mineral Spirits ................................ 4
Epoxy .............................1-10% ....................................30-35 sec. ............Mfg. Recommendations.................5
Clear wood nish ............Full strength ........................................................Mfg. Recommendations.................4
Varnish ...........................Mfg. Recommendations ......................................Naphtha .........................................3
Polyurethane ..................10% .......................................18-22 sec. ............M.E.K. ............................................ 3
Sealer .............................Full strength ........................................................Mineral spirits ................................3
Oil-based primer .............15-20% ..................................30-35 ....................Mineral spirits ................................ 4
Fast-dry enamel .............25% .......................................20-25 ....................Mineral spirits ................................ 4
Stain ...............................Full strength ........................................................Mfg. Recommendations.................3
Metal primer ...................15% .......................................25-30 sec. ............Mineral spirits ................................ 4
Industrial enamel ............15% .......................................30-35 sec. ............Mineral spirits ................................ 4
Aluminum paint ..............Full strength ........................................................Mineral spirits ................................4
Lacquer sealer ...............Mfg. Recommendations ........18-22 sec. ............Lacquer thinner.............................. 3
Lacquer ..........................50% .......................................18-22 sec. ............Lacquer thinner..............................3