
Striping a Parking Lot
This section provides an example of how to lay out and paint
the lines on an average parking lot using the side striper.
Basic Layout Rules
Measurements usually are taken from the back of the curb
or concrete bumper.
•Work from the building out.
One handicapped-accessible stall for every 25 spaces.
Every lot must have at least one van stall with an 8'
access aisle.
Standard Stall Dimensions = 9'W x 18' D
Compact Car Stall Dimensions = 8'W x 18' D
Distance between line ends for 9' wide stalls:
90º Stalls = 9'
60º Stalls = 10' - 4"
45º Stalls = 12' - 10"
Recommended Aisle Widths:
90º Stalls = 24' for two way traffic
60º Stalls = 20' for two way traffic
60º Stalls = 15' for one way traffic
45º Stalls = 19' for one way traffic
30º Stalls = 20' for one way traffic
15º Stalls = 22' for one way traffic
Tractor Trailer Dock Parking:
8' - 6" Inside Stall Width (trailer axle width)
60' Stall Length
Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.
Layout Procedure
Unlined Lots
1. Make sure the parking lot is clear of all brush and other
2. Lay out the required handicapped spaces so that they are
closest to the curb ramp and the building’s door.
3. At one end of the parking lot, measure 18’ from the back
of the curb or concrete bumper and make a mark with a
lumber crayon.
4. Go to the other end of the parking lot and measure 18’
from the back of the curb or concrete bumper. Make a
mark with a lumber crayon.
5. Snap a chalk line the length of the parking lot between the
two 18’ marks.
6. Establish the exact angle of the stalls from the chalk line
and snap a chalk line for the first 18' stall line.
7. Measure out and mark all remaining stall line reference
points. Measure the standard stall width of 9’ on center
from the first 18' stall line.
8. Snap chalk lines for all remaining stall lines.
Restriping Lots
1. Snap a new reference chalk line to ensure even line ends.
2. Snap new stall chalk lines if old lines are not straight.
NOTE: Old mistakes become new mistakes during
restripes. Always take the time to snap new
chalk lines.
Curb or Pre-Cast
Concrete Bumper
Curb or Pre-Cast
Concrete Bumper
18' 0"
3' 0"
8' 0"
4' 0"
5' 0"
Handicap Stall
Minimum 5' 0"
8' 0"
Unloading Zone
8' 6"
Handicap Stall
4" Paint Stripe
2' 0"
Handicapped Sign
Handicapped-Accessible Route
Van-Accessible Parking
At least 1 out of every 8
spaces must be van-accessible
(minimum of 1 per lot).
•8minimum stall width plus 8’
minimum access aisle.
Car- Accessible Parking
•7 out of every 8 handicapped-
accessible spaces must be
•8minimum stall width plus 5’
minimum access aisle.
NOTE: These guidelines are
not meant to
supercede actual ADA
Always refer to ADA
specifications before
starting a striping job.
ADA Requirements for Handicapped Spaces