Points of Interest13.
of Inter-
About Points of Interest
Points of Interest or POIs are useful places on the map.
Here are some examples:
• Restaurants
• Parking garages
• Petrol stations
Tip: To report incorrect or missing information about an existing Point of Interest included
with your map, use the Map Share service to share your corrections with the Map Share
Creating POIs
Tip: You can download POI sets and share your own POI sets using MyTomTom.
1. Tap the screen to open the Main Menu.
2. Tap Settings.
3. Tap Manage POIs.
4. If there are no POI categories or the one you want to use does not exist, tap Add POI
category and create a new category.
5. Tap Add POI.
6. Select the POI category you want to use for the new POI.
7. Tap a button to enter the POI address in the same way that you plan a route.
Every POI must be assigned to a POI category. This means you
need to have created at least one POI category before you can cre-
ate your first POI.
You can only add POIs to POI categories you have created.
For more information on creating POI categories, read Managing