Workman MD/MDX Page 6 -- 21 Electrical System
Brush and Brush Spring Service (Fig. 24)
IMPORTANT: When removing or installing the com-
mutator end cover, make sure brushes do not con-
tact the commutator. Damage to the brushes may
1. Remove brush covers from the commutator end cov-
er. Lift brush springs from the notch at the end of the
brushes while pulling the brushes out. Allow springs to
hold brushes out from the center (Fig. 25).
2. Remove both through bolts and flat washers s ecur-
ing the commutator end cover to the yoke. Separate end
cover from the commutator and yoke.
IMPORTANT: Use clean, dry, lint--free rags when
cleaning the starter/generator. When using com-
pressed air, air should be filtered and should not ex-
ceed 15 PSI (103 kPa).
3. Remove brushes from their holders. Clean carbon
dust from the commutator end cover and brushes.
IMPORTANT: Label armature leads connected to
brush leads prior to disconnecting any brush leads.
4. Inspect brushes for damage.
A. Replace any brush that is cracked or severely
B. If the length from the end of the brush to the w ear
line is less than 0.063 inch (1.6 mm), replace all four
(4) brushes (Fig. 26).
5. Inspect brush springsfor heat discoloration. Replace
all four brushes if any brush is straw or bluish colored.
6. Check brush springs for correct tension.
A. Secure all four (4) brushes into their holders with
the brush springs.
B. Using a spring scale, check tension on all four (4)
brushes in the direction of the spring (Fig. 27).
C. Replace all four (4) springs if any spring’s tension
is less than 24 ounces (1.6 N).
7. Secure brush and armature leads with set screws
and lock washers.
8. Lift brush springs from the notch at the end of the
brushes while pulling the brushes out. Allow springs to
hold brushes out from the center (Fig. 25).
9. Position commutator end cover to the commutator
and yoke. Secure commutator end cover to the yoke
with both through bolts and flat washers. Torque bolts
from 96 to 104 in--lbs (10.8 to 11.8 N--m).
10.Slide brushes into holders. Secure brushes by posi-
tioning brush springs into the notch at the end of the
brushes (Fig. 27).
11.Install brush covers to the commutator end cover.
1. Brush
2. Spring
3. Brush holder
Figure 25
1. Brush
2. Brush holder
3. Wear line
4. Set screw
Figure 26
0.063 inch
(1.6 mm)
1. Brush spring
2. Brush
3. Brush holder
Figure 27
24 oz
(1.6 N)