
Groundsmaster 4000--DHydraulic System (Rev. B) Page 4 -- 88
NOTE: Whenreassembling the motor, check the identi-
fication marks made during disassembly to make sure
the parts are properly aligned during reassembly.
1. Lubricate o--rings, pressure seals, back--up gaskets,
and seal grooves with a thin coat of petroleum jelly. Lu-
bricate all other internal parts freely with clean hydraulic
2. Install new shaft seal into front flange. Install snap
ring into front flange.
3. Install lubricated pressure seals into the grooves in
the front flange and rear cover. Follow by carefully plac-
ing the back--up rings into the grooves.
4. Install new o--rings to the body.
5. Lubricate gear faces and bearing surfaces of drive
gear, idler gear and bearing blocks. Carefully assemble
bearing blocks and gears noting identification marks
made during disassembly.
6. Position the motor body on its side. Carefully slide
bearing block and gear assembly into the body cavity
using identification marks made during disassembly.
7. Remove any excess lubrication from mating sur-
faces of body, rear cover, and front flange. Make sure
that these surfaces are clean and dry.
8. Install dowel pins in body.
IMPORTANT: Do not dislodge o--rings, pressure
seals, or back--up rings during final assembly.
9. Gently slide the rear cover onto the assembly using
marker or scribe mark for proper location. Firm hand
pressure should be sufficient to engage the dowel pins.
10.Position themotor withrear cover downwards. Care-
fully slide the front flange onto the assembly using mark-
er or scribe mark for proper location.
11.Install the four cap screws and hand tighten.
IMPORTANT: Avoid using excessive clamping
pressure on the motor housing t o preventdistorting
the housing.
12.Place motor front flange in a vise and alternately
13.Put a small amount of hydraulic oil in port on motor
and rotate driveshaft one revolution. Protect the shaft if
using a pliers. If drive shaft binds, disassemble motor
and repeat assembly process.
14.Remove motor from vise.