
Reelmaster 3100−D
Page 3 − 8
Kubota Diesel Engine
Service and Repairs
Change Engine Oil and Filter
Change oil and filter initially after the first 50 hours of op-
eration, thereafter change oil every 50 hours and filter
every 100 hours.
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, engage parking brake, and remove key
from the ignition switch.
2. Remove either drain plug and let oil flow into drain
pan. When oil stops flowing, install the drain plug.
3. Remove oil filter. Apply light coat of clean oil to the
new filter seal before screwing filter on. Do not over−
tighten filter.
4. Add oil to crankcase (see Check Engine Oil).
Figure 10
1. Drain plug 2. Drain pan
Figure 11
1. Oil filter 2. Alternator
Replace Traction Belt
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, engage parking brake, and remove key
from the ignition switch.
2. Insert nut driver or small piece of pipe onto the end
of the torsion spring of the idler pulley.
Be careful when removing or applying tension
from or to the torsion spring of the idler pulley.
The spring is under heavy load and may cause
personal injury.
3. Push down and forward on the spring end to unhook
the spring from the pump mounting plate.
4. Remove V−belt from the engine flywheel and hy-
drostat pulleys.
5. Install new V−belt onto the engine flywheel and hy-
drostat pulleys.
Figure 12
1. Torsion spring
2. Idler pulley
3. Pump mounting plate
4. V−belt
5. Fly wheel pulley
6. Hydrostat pulley
6. Insert nut driver or small piece of pipe onto the end
of the torsion spring of the idler pulley.
7. Push down and back on the spring end to get the
spring under the pump mounting plate notch. Then re-
lease on the spring slowly to lock it into place.