
Rev. B
Groundsmaster 3505--DHydraulic System Page 4 -- 90
5. Inspect wear plates for the following:
A. Bearing areasshould not have excessive wearor
B. Face of wear plates that are in contact with gears
should be free of wear, roughness or scoring.
C. Thickness of wear plates should be equal.
6. Inspect front plate, back plate and adapter plate for
damage or wear.
Assembly (Fig. 56)
NOTE: When assembling the pump, check the marker
line on each part to make sure the parts are properly
aligned during assembly (Fig. 57).
1. Lubricate o--rings, pressure seals, back--up gaskets
and wear plates with a thin coat of petroleum jelly. Lubri-
cate allother internalparts freely withclean hydraulic oil.
NOTE: A seal and retaining ring are not necessary in
the front plate. The gear pump seal kit does not include
these parts.
2. Place front plate on a flat surface with the internal
machined surface facing up.
3. Apply a light coating of petroleum jelly to the pres-
sure seals, back--up gaskets and wear plate grooves.
4. Install the pressure seals, flat side outward, into the
grooves in the wear plates. Follow by carefully placing
the backup gaskets, flat side outward, between the
pressure seals and the groove in the wear plate.
5. Apply alight coatingof petroleum jellyto theexposed
side of the front plate.
6. Lubricatethe drivegear shaft with cleanhydraulic oil.
Insert the drive end of the drive shaft through the wear
plate withthe pressureseal side downand theopen side
of the pressure seal pointing to the suction side of the
pump. Carefully install shaft into front plate.
7. Lubricate the front idler gear shaftwith clean hydrau-
lic oil. Install idler gear shaft into the remaining position
in the wear plate. Apply a light coating of c lean hydraulic
oil to gear faces.
8. Install rear wear plate with pressure seal side up and
open side of the pressure seal pointing to the suction
side of the pump.
9. Apply alight coating of petroleumjelly to new o--rings
and o--ring grooves in the front body. Install new o--rings
to the front body.
10.Install locating dowels infront body. Alignmarker line
on the front body and front plate (Fig. 57).
IMPORTANT: Do not dislodge pressure seals,
back--up gaskets or o--rings during pump assembly.
11.Gently slide the front body onto the assembly. Firm
hand pressure should be sufficient to engage the dow-
12.Check to makesure that thesurface ofthe wear plate
is slightly below the face of the front body. If the wear
plate is not below the front body, check assembly for a
shifted pressure seal or o--ring. Correct before proceed-
13.Apply a lightcoating ofpetroleum jelly tothe exposed
side of the adapter plate.
14.Place adapter plate on assembly using marker line
for proper location (Fig. 57). Firm hand pressure should
be sufficient to engage the dowels.
15.Install coupler into drive gear.
16.Follow above procedure to install back section of the
pump usingthe same precautions,lubrication and align-
17.Install the four screws and hand tighten.
18.Place mounting flange of the pump into a vise and al-
ternately torque the screws from 38 to 43 ft--lb (51 to 58
19.Remove pump from vise.
20.Place a smallamount of cleanhydraulic oil inthe inlet
of thepump and rotatethe drive shaftaway from the inlet
one revolution. If any binding is noted, disassemble the
pump and check for assembly problems.