
Groundsmaster 4300--DPage 6 -- 14Chassis
Rear Axle Installation (Fig. 9)
1. Position the rear axle assembly to the frame. Install
thrust washer (item 7) between each side of axle and
frame. Slide pivot pinthrough frame,thrust washersand
axle. Make sure that roll pin on pivot pin is positioned in
frame reliefs.
2. Install thrust washer (item 9) and jam nut (item 10)
onto pivot pin. Torque jam nut (item 10) from 90 to 120
ft--lb (123 to 162 N--m).Make surethatrearaxlecanstill
pivot freely after jam nut is tightened.
3. Raise the CrossTrax
AWD control manifold to the
frame. Position spacers between manifold and frame
(Fig. 10). Secure manifold to frame with three (3) cap
screws and lock washers.
4. Install wheel motor housings to rear axle (see Rear
Axle Motor Housing Installation in this section).
5. Install steering cylinder to rear axle (see Steering
Cylinder Installation in the Service and Repairs section
of Chapter 4 -- Hydraulic System).
6. Position tie rod to axle and insert tie rod ends to drag
links. Secure tie rod ends to drag links with slotted hex
nuts and cotter pins.
7. Installboth rear wheel assemblies (see WheelInstal-
lation in this section). Make sure that lug nuts are
torqued evenly in a crossing pattern from 70 to 90 ft--lb
(95 to 122 N--m).
8. Check rear wheel toe--in (see Operator’s Manual).
9. Check oil level in hydraulic reservoir.
10.Lubricate the rear axle grease fittings.
11.After all adjustments have been made, make sure
that no contact is made between any machine compon-
ents as the rear wheels are moved from lock to lock. Ad-
just if necessary.
12.Operate machine and check hydraulic connections
for leaks.