Pro Sweep
Page 4 -- 8
Electrical System
Component Testing
For accurate resistance and/or continuity checks, elec-
trically disconnect the component being tested from the
circuit (e.g. unplug the relay wire harness connector be-
fore doing a continuity check on relay).
When testing electrical components for continu-
ity with a multimeter (ohms setting), make sure
that power to the circuit has been disconnected.
The Pro Sweep uses a single 20 amp fuse for circuit
(Fig. 4). If the fuse is faulty or missing, no electrical pow-
er will be available for sweeper operation.
Remove fuse from the fuse holder for testing. Fuse
should have continuity between fuse terminals.
1. Fuse holder
Figure 4
Diode Assemblies
Three (3) diode assemblies are used in the Pro Sweep
to provide logic for the control module functions. Diode
D1 provides logic controlforthe sweeper downfunction.
Diodes D2 and D3 provide logic control for the sweeper
up function. All of these diodes plug into the wire har-
ness and are located near the offset cylinder.
Diode Testing
The diode (Fig. 5) can be tested using a digital multime-
ter (diode test setting) and the table to the right.
Figure 5
1. Diode
2. Male terminal
3. Female terminal
Red Lead (+)
on Terminal
Black Lead (--)
on Terminal
Female Male YES
Male Female NO