
3 Tests and Diagnostics 3.23 System Configuration
3.23.2 Operations
1. Selecting 8-SYSTEM CONFIGURATION from the DIAGNOSTIC MENU and pressing
Enter displays the following system configuration:
System Configuration Display : Ver 5.xx0 [Machine Name : 2000 ]
** - Processor Type = P3 – 750 (C0)
** - VGA Controller = xxxxx
* - MS-DOS Version = Vxxxx
* - BIOS-ROM Version = Vxxxx 1st ID = FCH, 2nd ID = 73H
* - BOOT-ROM Version = Vxxxx
* - KBC Version = Vxxxx
* - PS Micom Version = Vxxxx (EC Version = V0.51)
* - Total Memory Size= xxxxMB(Conventional Memory = 00639KB)
* - Battery Code =
** - Sound System = M1535
* - 0 Printer Adapter LPT1 = LPT2 = LPT3 =
* - 0 ASYNC Adapter COM1 = XXX COM2 = COM3 =
* -
* - 1 Math Co-Processor
* - 1 PCMCIA Slot
* - Modem / LAN = None
* - 1 Floppy Disk Drive(s) Track =000 Sector =18
* - 1 Hard Disk Drive(s) #1 Sectors = 0009780750 (05007MB)
#2 Sectors = ( MB)
* -
Enter Key [Date = YYYY-MM-DD, HH:MM:SS]
2. Press Enter to return to the DIAGNOSTIC MENU.
3-58 PORTEGE R100 Maintenance Manual (960-440)