Options: S Models
Variable Speed Control 115 Volt
Only (optional)
The solid state speed controller may
be installed at any convenient
location and is suitable for surface or
flush type mounting. A Standard
electrical single or double gang wall
box is recommended as in Figure 28.
Installation Procedure:
1. Attach the control's leads to the
electrical leads in the control box
using wire nuts. The speed
control is to be wired in series
with the motor. See wiring
diagram in
Figure 28.
2. Make certain wire nuts are tight
with no copper wire being
3. Place wires and wire nuts back
into box allowing room for the
control to fit in box also.
4. Mount speed control to box
using number 6 flathead screws
Setting the Control:
1. Tu rn the control shaft fully
clockwise. If the motor is not
running at the desired low
speed, adjust the trim on the
face of the control for low speed
setting using a small
2. Rotate the control shaft counter
clockwise. The speed will
increase smoothly from
minimum to maximum and then
switch off.
Figure 28. Wiring Diagram of
Speed Control Installation
3. Mount face plate with screw
provided and attach control
Strap-On Water Control
A SPDT strap-on type hot water
control with 100° to 240°F (38 to
116°C) rated at 10 amps at 120V is
also available. Control can be used
for direct or reverse acting
applications as high or low limit.
Steam Pressure Control
SPDT switch opens on a rise in
pressure. Control is automatically
reset, has a range of 0 to 15 PSIG (0
to 103 kPa) and has an adjustable
differential. Other actions, ranges,
circuits and manual reset
models are available on request.
Horizontal and Vertical Louvers
Horizontal louvers are standard on
all models. Vertical louvers are an
optional accessory on all models.
Vertical louvers are installed on built
to order units or shipped loose for
field installation.
Line voltage wall thermostats are in
stock for immediate shipment. All
models are SPST with bimetal
thermometer, knob-type set point
adjustment, 40 to 90°F (5 to 30°C)
range and selector switches.
Figure 29. Horizontal and Vertical Louver Mounting
Standard duty models with "off-
auto" and "auto-off-fan" and a heavy
duty model with "auto-off-fan"
switching are available. Other
models available on request. Plastic
tamperproof one size fits all
thermostat guards are also available.
Manual Starters
Single and three-phase models are
available. Standard models are
single-speed, toggle-operated,
NEMA Type 1 and are surface-
Wall Mounted Speed Controllers
Units with standard motors up to
Model 108 (115/1/60) can be operated
at reduced speeds by addition of
optional speed controller. Controller
is 5 amps, pre-set at factory for
maximum and minimum speeds,
with intermediate speeds infinitely
controllable. All 1/3, 1/2 HP and 230V
motors operate only at rated speed
and CFM - See Tables.
When using electrical accessories,
always refer to the accessory
manufacturer's installation manual
for proper use, location and wiring