
OSD Overview
The settings are explained in the table below:
Setting Function
Channel Display Selects how the Port ID is displayed. There are three choices: Number plus the
Mode Name (PN + NAME), Number alone (PN) or Name alone (NAME).
Channel Display Determines how long a Port ID is displayed. There are two choices: 3 seconds
Duration and always on.
Channel Display Allows you to position the Port ID on the screen. After you highlight this item
Position and press [Enter], the menu disappears and the port ID is displayed. Use the
arrow keys, Pg Up, Pg Dn, Home and 5 (on the numeric pad with the Num Lock
off) to position the port ID display then press [Enter] to lock the position and
return to the Set Submenu.
Scan Duration Determines how long the display dwells on each Port when it cycles through the
selected Ports in the Quick View Scan Mode. The available options are: 3, 5,10,
15, 20, 30, 40 and 60 seconds.
OSD Activating Selects which Hotkey combination will activate the OSD function: [Ctrl] [Ctrl]
Hotkey or [Scroll Lock] [Scroll Lock]. The default is the Ctrl key combination, but this
may conflict with programs running on the computers, in which case, the Scroll
Lock option should be selected.
Set Password Allows you to set a password in order to control access to Locking/Unlocking
the Console (see the OSD Security Features section, below, for details).
Clear Name List* Clears all the Port Names from the Name List. You will be asked to Confirm
before the procedure takes place. A message will be displayed while the Names
are being cleared. Once the Names have been cleared, a message will appear
indicating that the procedure was completed successfully.
Restore Default Clears all the Settings from the memory and returns the unit to the factory
Values* settings. You will be asked to Confirm before the procedure takes place. A
message will be displayed while the Settings are being cleared. Once the
Settings have been cleared, a message will appear indicating that the procedure
was completed successfully.
Lock Console* Locks / Unlocks the Console. When the Console is locked, only the current
monitor screen displays. Attempts to input information from the console have
no effect; attempts to switch to a different port, either from the Console or by
pressing the manual switches, have no effect either. The only way to regain
access to the computers is by Unlocking the Console. If a password has been
set, you must provide the password in order to Lock / Unlock the Console. If no
password has been set, pressing [Enter] will Lock / Unlock the Console.
* If a password has been set, these settings require you to supply a proper password in order to access them. See the
OSD Security section, below, for details.
Factory Default Settings:
The factory default settings are as follows:
Setting Default
Display Duration Always On
Display Mode The Port Number plus the Port Name
Scan Duration 3 Seconds
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