,_ WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaningor servicing the machine,shut off engine,wait for all
moving partsto come to a completestop, disconnectspark plugwireand move wireawayfrom
spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions canresult in serious personalinjury or property
Figure5-3: Instafl tinesso that cuttingedge of tines entersoft first when tiller movesforward.
It is important to maintain correct tension
on the forward drive belt. A loosebeltwill
causethetinesandwheelsto slow down--
or stop completely-- eventhough the en-
gine is running at full speed.A too tight
belt can result in unintentionaltine move-
ment whenthe clutch bail isin the Neutral
• Checkbelt tension after the first two
hours ofbreak-inoperationandafter every
10 operatinghours.
• Atthe end of eachtilling season,check
the beltfor cracks,cuts or frayededges
and replaceit assoon as possible.
tension is correct if this second measure-
ment isbetween1/6"-to- 3/16"longer than
the first measurement.
4. If the spring is too short (lessthan
1/16"), the tension istoo loose. Ifthe
spring istoo long (morethan 3/16"), the
tension is too tight.
5. Toadjustthe length ofthe spring:
a. Releasethe Forward Clutch Bail.
b Unthreadthe hexnut (C,Figure5-4)
halfway up the adjustment screw (D).
c. Unhookthetop ofthe springfrom the
Forward Clutch Bail.
d. Usepliersto preventthe adjuster (B)
from turning andturn the slotted screwlo-
cated insidethe spring clockwise (viewed
from operator'sposition) to increaseten-
sion onthespring. Turnthescrew counter-
clockwiseto decreasetension. Once
adjusted, reattachthe spring to the For-
ward Clutch Bail.
e.RepeatSteps2and3to re-measurethe
surementis between1/16"-to-3/16"longer
thanthefirst measurement,retightenthehex
nut (C)againstthetop oftheadjuster(B).
ReplacementBelt Information
If the drive belt needsto be replaced,see
your local authorizeddealeror referto the
Parts List for ordering information. Use
only afactory-authorized belt asan "over-
the-counter" belt may not perform satis-
factorily. Theprocedure requiresaverage
mechanicalability andcommonly available
1. Stopengine,wait for all parts to stop
moving and disconnectspark plug wire.
2. With the ForwardClutchBailinan open
(released)position, measureand notethe
overalllengthofthecablespring (A,Figure
5-4) by measuringfrom the outermost coil
to the outermost coil.
3. SqueezetheForwardClutchBailagainst
the handlebar(seeFigure5-4) and re-
measurethe length of the coils. Thebelt
Figure5-4: Tocheckforwardbelt tension,taketwomeasurementsofthe
overa///engthofthecoilsinthespring-- first withthedutch bail open,
thenwith thedutch bail closedagainstthe handlebar.